
California Code of Regulations, Title 14 § 465.5
It is illegal to trap and relocate wildlife. The California Department of Fish & Wildlife has jurisdiction over wildlife. Aggressive wildlife incident reports can be made directly with California Fish & Wildlife.
*California Fish & Wildlife will only respond if a human is attacked by a coyote.

Common Questions RE: Coyotes
Q: What do I do if I encounter a coyote?
A: Yell, wave your arms, appear bigger than you are, make loud noise, and/or throw something at the coyote (do not run away).
It is also useful to have noisemakers, like air horns and whistles, pepper spray or a vinegar-filled water gun readily on hand in order to scare off any approaching coyotes.
If you see a coyote during the daytime, you should exhibit caution, as that coyote may have become habituated to humans (and may be more likely to attack).
Q: What deters coyotes?
A: Install coyote-proof fences or other motion-triggered deterrents like light or sprinkler systems.
Remove access to food from your yard, including cats, pet food, fallen fruit, compost and trash cans. Secure trash containers and eliminate garbage odors.
Don’t allow pets to run free. Keep them safely confined and provide secure nighttime housing for them. Walk your dog on a leash and accompany your pet outside, especially at night.
Q: What attracts coyotes?
A: By unintentionally feeding coyotes, it can cause coyotes to be attracted to residential neighborhoods and lose their fear of humans. Left out pet food, garbage left out overnight, bird seed, and bird feeders – these attract not only birds, but rodents and squirrels as well, which in turn can attract coyotes.
During dry summer months, water can also be an attractant for coyotes.
Intentional feeding, such as bait stations in yards or parks, should be strictly avoided
Q: Why can’t they be relocated?
A: Relocating coyotes and other fur bearing wildlife is illegal in California.
Relocating a coyote is an almost guaranteed death sentence. Coyotes are very territorial and occupy large home ranges up to 40 square miles. If relocated, they will do almost anything to get back home. Unfamiliar with their new terrain, they are often killed by cars.
How to coexist
In general, coyotes are reclusive animals who avoid human contact. However, if the animal feels the risk is worth the reward, a coyote may realize there are very few real threats and feel comfortable visiting areas with people, even while they are present.
In these situations, coyotes have become habituated (lost their fear of humans). This is most likely due to the amount of food that they have become accustomed to feeding upon in your neighborhood.
These bold coyotes should not be ignored or further lured in, but instead given the clear message that they are not welcome. This can be accomplished by “Hazing”.
What is coyote hazing?
Coyote hazing is a form of reestablishing the coyotes natural fear of humans. This includes:
- Yelling and waving your arms while approaching the coyote,
- Whistles, air horns, bells, “shaker” a tin can full pennies, and pots/pans banged together
- Throwing sticks, small rocks, cans, tennis balls or rubber balls
- Hoses, water guns with vinegar water, spray bottles with vinegar water, pepper spray or bear repellent